Sorry I'm Minimal 1...

Welcome to the new, improved and renamed Minimal Monday, which to be quite honest didn't really work out. It's unfortunate because both me and Chris are unwitting ambassadors of Minimal Techno/Microhouse and Minimal Monday was our first idea for a regular feature on Sweat On The Walls. However, with posts being restricted to Mondays purely for the sake of a catchy name, regular updates became quite difficult, despite our best attempts. So we have now come up with Sorry I'm Minimal which removes the requirement for specific day posting, allowing maximal freedom for minimal music! For those who are curious, the name Sorry I'm Minimal derives from a strikingly brilliant t-shirt slogan we saw on sale from a street vendor during EXIT. The slogan has kind of developed a cult following since for us, so naming a blog regular after it just seemed inevitable. It also works as an apology for the unreliability of the late Minimal Monday...

To begin with then, I thought I would present my own minimal mix I threw together not long ago. There's the occasional amateurish error but I actually am quite pleased with the end result. A deeply indulgent assembly of some of my favourite minimalist tracks. Track listing can be found on our Soundcloud profile. Best served at in an intensely underground atmosphere...

Minimal Mix 1 by SotW Blog


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