My answer, after listening to From The Fallen Page would be yes, I think so... Her album gave me about 2 hours (including her 60 minute long mix she includes with the album)
of thoroughly enjoyable listening, a package of sonic patterns I fully expected from Magda. As always, there was a lick of horror on every record- some of the synths wouldn't have sounded out of place in the original Haunting, although Magda herself has made no secret of her love for old Italian horror films. How she has managed to incorporate those influences into the musical sphere of techno is beyond me, but there's no denying the album feels creepy.
But can her own productions keep the dancefloor happy in the same way her DJ sets do? I'm not convinced they can, despite the undeniable punch of her beats. Sure, track likes like Entertainment quiver with rhythmic dynamism, and sewn into one of her lengthy underground sessions it probably would keep bodies moving, but as part of her album you can't help question the direction of the whole thing. Lost In Time and Music Box shout out with some fine synth manipulation, but I just don't see the point of them. They are a bit boring.
Nonetheless, it's an important album to have if you're at interested in the more minimal side of techno. Some of her loops, twists and kicks are irresistible, and her fondness for seriously heavy bass is also quite attractive.
Magda - Entertainment
Pick up Magda's full album From The Fallen Page at Beatport here
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